PA6NL SHF Station


VHF station

UHF station


The SHF station (1296 Mc upto 24 G) is located on a lighthouse at Hook of Holland at 60 m AGL. 

A view on the mast with the 6cm, 10 G and 24 G dishes.

Hans PE1CKK (right) is adjusting the vertical position of the mast, while Robert PE1LUR gives a helping hand.

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A better view on the high band dishes. One of the 1296 Mc 1.8 meter dishes can be seen on the right.

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The SHF shack during one of the frequent repairs.

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Hans PE1CKK repairing the 1296/2304 antenna switch-box. He is quite skilled in this, given the frequency of needed repairs....

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Henk, PA0C, working on his favorite band, 10 G.

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The operator position for 9, 6, 3 and 1.2 cm. 

From top to bottom : Left, the electronic keyer, the switch box to choose the SHF band in use. The FT 225 146 Mc transceiver used as IF for all SHF bands and the 9cm TWT power supply. 

On the rigth hand side : Laptop with GSM-GPRS connection to DX cluster and Converse. The 23 cm PA for the east-1.8 meter dish and the 23 cm transvertor - 23/13 cm switch box combination.

The rotor control units for the east and west 23 cm dishes can be seen just right of the 23 cm PA. The flat box  on top is the voicekeyer.

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Frank, PA3FAQ, working on 23 cm.

Two of the IC 202's are used as east/west IF for 23 cm and one as 13 cm exciter.

The 23 cm west PA can be seen on the right hand side, on top of the 13 cm transvertor.  

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